A downloadable game for Windows

The theme “It’s just a button” given to us by the Rayuela GameJam 2024 inspired the creation of Tiny Things. As the title suggests, this game tells a small story that begins with a simple button. It’s a game about memories, family, and how we leave pieces of our soul in the places, objects, and hearts we touch throughout our journey in life.

We hope you enjoy this little narrative game and feel inspired to share your thoughts with us. We would love to hear what you think.

If you experience lag issues, we recommend reducing the screen size from the options menu when starting the game. If you are already playing, press 'P' twice to access options.

For now, we only have the Windows and Linux versions, but we will soon add a Mac version.

A game created by: Victoria Pérez and Alba Molas 

Special thanks to: MagdaLenaS2312, parisazarei, pozo3d, Cradle of the Cube, lyricizt, PRINCE.JACK, Hac_Pc, Shvetsov Kiril, GhulamRasoo y Perunirl

For their help with 3D models :) 

And kudos to Victoria Pérez for the cool modeling of the Sewing Box and all the little props inside. 

And to: Marta Closas, Anna Molas, Mireia Molas and Maria Molas for being testers.


TinyThings.rar 925 MB


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I really liked it! Good job. Very creative and fits the theme perfectly.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!! :D 

Very cool


Thank you so much for playing and leaving this comment! :D 

No problem.